Questions to Ask Tarot and How to Phrase Them

Questions to Ask Tarot Cards

It's not just that you ask the questions, but what tarot questions you ask that will determine if your reading is effective or feasible. Before laying out the cards, learn how to properly phrase your questions to pose the tarot to ensure you receive a reading that truly addresses your concerns.

Tarot questions and how to phrase them effectively

The accuracy of your questions makes all the difference to your tarot reader

One of the most important concepts when using tarot readings is to be specific about the subject. The more specific you are with your questions, the more likely your answer will be accurate and to the point, explains Free In many situations, people ask very vague questions. If you do, you'll get a vague, original answer. It's important to feel comfortable and open with this type of reading. Treat your tarot reader like a doctor. Rest assured they will hold your deepest, darkest secrets and concerns close to your chest.

Think about what you want to know when asking tarot questions

Tarot decks offer different layouts. Each represents a different way of reading. Before you choose a question to ask, explore it first.

Status of Self/Position: Consider who you are. where are you now Talk to your personal self?

Challenges/Opportunities: In this position, you will focus on the obstacles or challenges you are facing now. As online tarot card reading reports, don't just focus on challenges, but on how to use them to your advantage.

New Future: In this situation, the focus is on what is happening. Which way is the wind blowing? How can you steer it to get the desired result?

Take a moment to pay close attention to your thoughts and feelings. Before asking any questions, you should know what your real concerns are. If you are unsure, the first step is to have a mental conversation with a professional to explore.


Tips for creating the best questions for your tarot reading

Now that you have learned the basics, consider these tips on how to properly write your questions to get the answer you need during a tarot reading. You may find that your results are better if you follow these rules.

First, focus your mind. Ease any worries and panics you have. While not directly related to the question you are asking, this type of emotional state can bias information incorrectly.

  • You have to believe. Before you ask your question, confirm your belief that the tarot will give you the answer.
  • Don't ask questions with the words "should," "would," or "could."
  • Don't ask questions about why something happened or why someone did something.
  • Focus your question on yourself, not other people.
  • Don't ask overly complicated questions. Be direct and simple.
  • Avoid questions with simple yes or no answers.

Avoid asking questions that begin with "Will I" when you have to make a decision. If you have to make the decision, avoid asking in the "I will" format.

Tarot readings can be very effective. However, for this to happen, you must ensure that you are communicating with your reader in an appropriate manner.

Specific Question vs. General Tarot Readings ask

When deciding what to ask, be specific. The more specific you are, the more specific the reader will be in your answer. For example, if you go to a doctor and say, "Doctor, I have pain somewhere on my body. Find it." This is very difficult and it will take a long time for the doctor to diagnose you accurately. But when you say, "Doctor, my elbow hurts when I bend it like that, and that's usually when it hurts the most." A doctor can very easily make a well-founded and accurate diagnosis. It works on the same principle.

But then you might think I'm giving too much information if my question is too broad? The answer is a clear no!" Is. You want a precise answer to your question. The best way to do this is with a very focused and clear investigation. You don't have to provide any additional information, but asking a specific question will help you get the most out of your reading.

Normal reading

Can you just ask about normal or general reading? Absolutely! And sometimes they are very revealing. If someone picks up on things you didn't mention, say "Wow! How did they know!?" But you have to settle for their opinion on what matters most, rather than responding to a specific point.

Let's look at the doctor analogy again. You have a significant problem with your elbow, but you ask the doctor to "find your pain point" without further information. The doctor conducts a thorough examination and finds that you have a lump on your thyroid gland. The focus now is on the thyroid, although elbow pain is not your original concern. Well, does it help that you found that other thing? For sure! Is there any way that it can and can be treated? Yes. But... your elbow still hasn't been treated.

Similarly, a typical read will likely turn up useful things, but they may not be what engages you most. Therefore, go to a regular reading with an open mind and take the information you are given as if you are patient and grateful for what you have been given.

What not to ask tarot

yes or no question

When speaking to a tarot card reader, it is important to remember that while they can interpret what the cards reveal about your life, they do not generally mind readers. This means that it is almost impossible for a tarot card reader to answer yes or no questions.

To get the most out of tarot readings, ask, "Will I get this job?" Avoid asking questions like Instead, make requests that give you more information down the line, such as B. "How will my career develop if I take this job?"


Death or health issues

When it comes to questions about death or health, there are many black and white answers. For example, asking if a loved one will recover and return home from the hospital usually won't tell you much, since there's not much you can do to affect the outcome of the other person's health struggle.

Instead of asking about the consequences of health problems, try asking a series of questions that will help you manage the situation. If you know your loved one is suffering, ask the tarot how you can provide support to increase your chances of regaining health.

Special questions about love

A love tarot reading can tell you a lot about pursuing the romantic relationships you want. However, this does not mean that the tarot reader can accurately answer specific questions about specific events in your love life.

Remember that a Tarot cannot guarantee you any results. This means that the question of who will say "I love you" first, or whether or not you will marry the love of your life, is rarely helpful. Instead, think about seeking advice on how to deepen your relationship or make your relationship more meaningful.

Very detailed question

Successful tarot readings will help you think through obstacles in your life or come up with ideas to solve ongoing problems. While they will point you in the right direction, they do not provide detailed answers for each specific situation.

Avoid disappointment by being open to exploring the information you receive when you have a tarot reading. Know that Tarot provides guidance, but generally cannot provide a detailed procedure.

Very vague question

When you have a tarot reading, it's a good idea to keep a few questions in mind. While they shouldn't be too detailed, your requests shouldn't be overly vague either.

Talk to your tarot card reader about the areas you want to focus on and seek guidance on related topics. Keep in mind that vague questions in particular often lead to similar general answers, so they won't convince you.

Whether you consult the Tarot frequently or are preparing for your first reading, it is important to know what to expect. Keep these taboo questions in mind and learn how to get the guidance you need.

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